Shaping the Environment of the Future


Wetland Treatment Facility


In 2001, an Abydoz Engineered Wetland pilot project was installed to treat sewage from approximately 35 homes in Marystown, Newfoundland. Due to the success of the Marystown system and an independent review over 2 years by BAE NewPlan (SNC Lavalin), Abydoz was granted approval in 2004 from the provincial regulators to construct full-scale municipal engineered wetland systems in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The system has been successfully operational since commissioning, nearly 20 years.


Population Equivalent: 122 PE

Average Flow: 55 m3/day

Wetland Treatment Area: 640 m2

Average Effluent Results

CBOD: 7.2 mg/L

TSS: 17.6 mg/L


The system is comprised of a septic tank for solids settling followed by two sub-surface flow horizontal wetland beds, operating in parallel. The effluent undergoes biological treatment in the wetlands and treated effluent is independent consultant in conjunction with the National Research Council of Canada. Treatment results were consistently high. Display boards and walking trails have been incorporated into the wetland project to provide environmental education. Abydoz provides assistance with school tours at our system locations.