Shaping the Environment of the Future


Wetland Treatment Facility


Prior to 2006 the towns of Appleton and Glenwood had overloaded, outdated sewage treatment systems. Abydoz was contracted to design and build a new wastewater containment and treatment system. The system consists of 3 acres of lined containment cells. The system has been successfully operational since commissioning and is currently regularly treating effluent below detection limits.


Population Equivalent: 1,800 PE

Average Flow: 1,000 m3/day

Wetland Treatment Area: 3 Acres

Average Effluent Results

CBOD: 7 mg/L

TSS: 5 mg/L


The effluent from both towns is pumped to the treatment facility where it passes through a small building with a grinder and a spiral lift screen to remove non organic materials. The flow then enters a series of settling chambers where solids and suspended solids settle out. During times of high infiltration, the flow is split by a weir that sends the main flow to the main wetland treatment beds and any excess to the storm water treatment bed; there is no bypass on this system. The main flow first enters a vertical flow wetland bed and is then split between the 4 horizontal flow wetland beds. The flows are recombined with the treated storm water at the end of the system and discharged to the Gander River.

Sludge from the settling chambers is pumped to the sludge treatment wetland cells on-site where it is mineralized by the plants resulting in a compost-like end product that can be used for landscaping.


  • 2010 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Watershed Award for Leadership in Wastewater and Storm Water Management for Atlantic Canada

  • 2010 PEG-NL Environment Award

  • 2008 Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Environment Award

  • 2007 Gander and Area Chamber of Commerce Environmental Award